Psoriatic Arthritis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Whichever part of the world you come from, the onset of psoriatic arthritis can hit at any time. Although the symptoms may be relatively mild at first, it is one of the most rapid forming types of arthritis and at first affects joints such as fingers and toes and can also be associated with nail problems. The illness causes a general lack of energy and aches and pains which are debilitating.

Eighty five percent of patients who suffer from the disease will have had skin problems at some time in their lives and this is an important link during the diagnosis stages. However, when the disease attacks cartilage which has been damaged accidentally or by wear and tear, the activity of the patient will be affected.

The diagnosis of this disease will depend upon the patient reporting the early symptoms to their general practitioner who may ask for X-Rays to be taken of joints which are painful. The doctor will know the general state of the patient’s health and should be able to confer with the skin specialist and the radiologist to decide upon the course of action.

In severe cases MRI scans may be used to look at the deterioration of the cartilage or cushioning between bones. Normal X-Ray procedures can only see the malformation of the bone structure while more detailed scanning methods give doctors a better picture of the evolution of the illness.

Psoriatic arthritis can attack any joint in the body and thus taking note of where pain occurs the most will help doctors in their diagnosis. Usually patients will find stiffening is frequent after inactivity as in most arthritic conditions.


The problem with traditional medicines is that these cover the pain by simply offering anti-inflammatory medicines and pain killers. What traditional medicine does not do is attempt to rebuild the cartilage forming the cushion within the joint. However, medical breakthroughs have given astounding results and have found that since a large percentage of the cushioning is collagen-based, building up that collagen or regenerating it may be the answer to the problem. With medicines such as Regenerix Gold, this is a real possibility.

Collagen Hydrolysate, which is one of the ingredients found in Regenerix, stimulates cartilage repair.

The general practitioner may also suggest exercises to help mobilization and these may be supervised by a physiotherapist over a number of appointments, who will also be able to suggest exercises which can safely be done at home to help with flexibility of the joint in question. However, these exercises and the traditional treatment only help discomfort. They don’t tackle the causes.

In conclusion

Following the diagnosis of the illness, it may be decided upon that the joint needs surgical treatment, although if caught early enough, proper preventive treatments could avoid this from being necessary. As part of your daily intake of dietary supplements, balanced with gentle exercise and healthy diet, the body is given a chance to stave off the effects of psoriatic arthritis and continue to be active.

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